

Drs Coogan and Hawke have the skill base and experience to attend to any mode of delivery or complications that may arise during pregnancy, including:

  • High risk pregnancies
  • Multiple pregnancies
  • Pre-pregnancy diabetes and gestational diabetes
  • Vaginal birth after a previous caesarean
  • Breech presentation
  • Pregnancies achieved with fertility assistance

How does the practice work?

Drs Coogan and Hawke work in a unique arrangement ‘job-sharing’ their obstetric practice.  This involves one doctor consulting in the rooms, attending all births, and being on call 24 hours a day for a week, followed by a week off.  Changeover occurs on a Monday morning.

Whichever doctor is ‘on’ for the week, will be the doctor attending your birth.  Because of the nature of obstetrics, we cannot predict exactly when your baby will be born ahead of time.  However, you will get to meet both doctors during your pregnancy and develop a professional relationship with them in time for your birth.

The advantage of this special arrangement includes receiving two opinions, two skill sets and an obstetrician who is less likely to be fatigued or time pressured, allowing for care and decisions to be centred around you and your pregnancy.

Midwifery Support

Rochelle Leivenzon is an experienced Midwife and IBCLC Lactation Consultant who has worked in the maternity hospital system but is now in private practice.

Find Rochelle on 0432 180 899, www.themothershub.com.au or on Instagram @themothershubsydney

Rochelle is offering the following services to our patients:

  • Antenatally/during your pregnancy, two antenatal sessions lasting 45 minutes (after 30 weeks gestation).
  • Postnatally/after your birth, up to five once-a-week online postnatal appointments (to use within 6 weeks and 6 days post birth).
  • Face-to-face early parenting/education sessions during your pregnancy, and face-to-face lactation/parenting support postnatally if needed.
  • Online sessions will be ‘bulk billed’ through MEDICARE.
  • Face-to-face sessions will be privately billed to you, or claimed through your health fund (if eligible).

Mothers Group

  • Rochelle also facilitates a Mothers Group every Friday morning in Centennial Park.
  • This is a safe place to acknowledge the big feelings experienced by new mums, discuss newborn behaviour, and find support with other new mums in those early weeks and months.
  • It is great to attend while pregnant from 36 weeks gestation.
  • No cost involved.
  • No need to book.

Making a First Obstetric/Antenatal Appointment

  • Please telephone the practice to book your first appointment with one of our receptionists on (02) 9650 4050.
  • Drs Coogan and Hawke generally like to see you at 9-10 weeks gestation.
  • An information letter will be emailed or sent to you once booking is confirmed – please read and familiarise yourself with what will be needed for your appointment.
  • The option of an online registration link will also be provided.
  • SMS confirmation of your appointment will be sent 1-2 working days prior to the day of your appointment.
  • Please let us know of a cancellation or appointment change as soon as possible so it can be allocated to another patient.

Attending First Obstetric/Antenatal Appointment

Here is what you need to bring with you or have sent in advance:

  • A referral letter (ideally from your GP) addressed to both Dr Coogan and Dr Hawke.
    Please note: Medicare requires you to have a valid referral letter to enable you to claim rebates. If your initial referral is from a Specialist Medical Practitioner, this is only valid for 3 months. You will therefore need another referral from your GP at some point during your pregnancy as this will be valid for 12 months.
  • All recent blood results relevant to this pregnancy.
  • All ultrasound reports from this pregnancy.
  • Most recent cervical screening test (CST).
  • Letters, information, and dates about your fertility treatment if your pregnancy is a result of assisted conception.

Please arrive 15 minutes prior to any NEW appointment time to complete appropriate registration/paperwork.

A first obstetric booking appointment is allocated one hour. At this visit, a medical history will be taken, and a general and pregnancy-related health examination performed. An office ultrasound may be performed.

Any tests you have had to date in the pregnancy will be reviewed and any other tests needed at this time will be organised. Any other important or pressing issues will be addressed at this visit.

You will be given information at your first consultation with regards to out-of-hours emergency contact details.

Attending Any Obstetric/Antenatal Appointment

  • Your partner or support person is always welcome at any antenatal visits.
  • Due to the unpredictable nature of obstetrics, we may not always be running strictly to time.  Feel free to contact our secretary, 1-2 hours prior to your appointment to confirm whether we are running to time.  If any significant time delay is anticipated with your appointment, our secretary will contact you.
  • Please let us know of a cancellation or appointment change as soon as possible so it can be allocated to another patient.
  • Payment is required at the time of consultation.

Follow up Obstetric/Antenatal Appointments

  • These occur every 4-6 weeks up to 28 weeks gestation, and then become 2-3 weekly until 36 weeks gestation, at which point they usually become weekly until you deliver.  This is a general framework for consultation and can be adjusted according to your individual circumstances.
  • Follow up obstetric appointments are 15-30 minutes long and are generally booked at the end of your previous consultation.
  • Please let us know of a cancellation or appointment change as soon as possible so it can be allocated to another patient.

Follow up Postnatal Appointment

  • A postnatal appointment will be made for you to attend approximately 6 weeks after your birth. This will be sent to you within a week of your birth, usually via email.
  • You are welcome to contact us to change the appointment date/time if required.
  • SMS confirmation of your appointment will be sent 1-2 working days prior to the day of your appointment.
  • Your partner/support person and your baby are always welcome at postnatal appointments.

Drs Coogan and Hawke are accredited to deliver at:

  • Prince of Wales Private Hospital (POWPH) - as a private patient in a private hospital.
  • The Royal Hospital for Women (RHW) - as a private patient in a public hospital.
If you are uncertain which hospital you prefer, you can book and attend a ‘Hospital Tour’ of each facility before your first appointment with us.

  • POWPH go to Maternity Unit Tour and click on ‘A Guided Tour of our Maternity Unit" Video.
  • RHW go to RHW Birth Unit Tour and follow the steps below:
    • click on: "Birth Unit Tours"
    • go to "Trybooking" link to book a tour.

Hospital booking

  • A hospital booking for your birth needs to be made AT OR SOON AFTER your first appointment with us.
  • Your medical or previous pregnancy/birth history may influence which hospital is appropriate for your current pregnancy and birth.
  • It is important to check with your health fund which maternity hospital(s) you are eligible to attend.
  • Once you have chosen which hospital to book into, a maternity/obstetric booking can be completed in the following way:
    1. POWPH
      • online via POWPH e-admissions: healthscope.eadmissions.com.au
      • you will need to enter your due date and Dr Coogan or Dr Hawke as your obstetrician/doctor
    2. RHW
      • Dr Coogan or Dr Hawke will complete a booking form at your first consultation
      • This needs to be completed and taken to the Admissions Desk at RHW main reception Level 0

Weekend/Holiday Cover

  • This means over five weekends, each obstetrician (Dr Coogan, Dr Hawke, Dr Chow, Dr Sen and Dr Teoh) will take a turn to cover the other four obstetricians if required.
  • You will be aware which obstetrician is on-call for each weekend near the end of your pregnancy.
  • Dr Chow, Dr Sen or Dr Teoh may also cover any leave for conferences, ongoing education, or holiday leave.  We will aim to inform you at the earliest possible time of planned times we will be away, and which other obstetrician will be available to care for you during these times.  You will be encouraged to have a consultation with the covering obstetrician prior to your birth.
  • Regardless of which obstetrician attends your birth, your account for the delivery will be generated by this practice.
Dr Teoh, Dr Coogan, Dr Hawke & Dr Sen

Left to Right: Dr Teoh, Dr Coogan, Dr Hawke, Dr Sen


We understand navigating Medicare and Private Health Fund rebates can be complex and confusing. Our secretaries will help you understand the process and rebate system that is applicable to you. This is an outline of obstetric fees for this practice but does NOT include fee estimates for:

  • Hospital accommodation
  • Anaesthetist
  • Surgical assistant
  • Paediatrician
  • Any other consultations with a private specialist or private health care provider
  • Any other service provider e.g. ultrasounds, pathology tests, etc.

Obstetric Fees and Rebates for Your Pregnancy effective 1/03/24 if you have Medicare and OBSTETRIC Private Health Fund Cover

Medicare Item NoOur fee
Standard Medicare Rebate
Extended Medicare Safety Net (EMSN) Rebate*
Standard Health Fund Rebate
Approximate ‘out of pocket’ expense
(if EMSN threshold reached)
First antenatal visit 16401 500 82.80 65.40 Nil 352
Follow up antenatal visits
(approx. 10–14)
16500 150 45.65 39.20 Nil 66
Pregnancy Management 16590 4500 361 261.40 Nil 3878
Birth# 16519 NO GAP rebate N/A N/A NO GAP rebate 0
Complicated Birth# 16522 NO GAP rebate N/A N/A NO GAP rebate 0
Postnatal Visit 16407 250 69.45 51.35 Nil 130
TOTAL (approx.) $6750-$7350 $940-$1160 $770-$930 $5000-$5300

#NO GAP cover arrangement

  • Dr Coogan and Dr Hawke participate in the NO GAP cover arrangement with private health funds.
  • This means your HEALTH FUND will be billed directly by this practice, on your behalf, at the time of birth. This will be accepted as full payment for your birth.

*Extended Medicare Safety Net (EMSN) Rebate

  • At present, if you have registered for EMSN, you will receive the extra EMSN rebate on OUTPATIENT services only, once you are over your threshold ($2544.30 per family for 2024) in a calendar year i.e. January 1– December 31.
  • After the EMSN threshold is reached, all Medicare rebatable fees for ANY outpatient services with ANY provider will attract the EMSN rebate + the Standard Medicare Rebate for the remainder of the calendar year.
  • EMSN does NOT apply to any inpatient services.
If you DO NOT have Medicare and/or Obstetric Private Health Fund Cover, please contact our practice for individualised obstetric fee estimates.